I have had a ton of people telling me to put prego pics. I don't take pics of myself from the waist down when I am pregnant but finally decided I should take at least a few. This was yesterday. I am almost 32 weeks. I am feeling pretty good so far. You wouldn't think it but the size of my massive belly. If you can believe it I am smaller then I was with Sophie. Everyone thought I was full term by now with her. Anyway I haven't quite reached the uncomfortable stage and am sleeping really good... I am sure that is due to the fact that I got a memory foam pillow. Anyone who has headaches or back pain try one!! I started to get some back pain and headaches when I hit 28 weeks and my brother told me to go get one because it helped fix his back on his mission. I hated it the first night, kinda sorta hated it the 2nd night and the 3rd night LOVED it. And loved the way my back felt.. and the headaches.. GONE! So theres my memory foam pillow plug. Anyway here is a picture of me pregnant so anyone who needs a good laugh.. here you go! a few more pics from the last week. This was a after a long day of christmas shopping and no nap. At about 6:30 she was watching cartoons and zonked out. lovely!!
Ok.. so I don't know if this is even that special but everyone I show it to seems to think so. For the last 6 months Sophie always brings us a pen and says,"draw eyes".. We draw eyes then she tells us to, "draw nose".. we draw nose then she tells us to draw mouth, hair, ears, ect until we are all done the face. In church we end up with about 100 faces drawn all over sheets over paper. Anyway the other day Spence called me into the room and told me he watched Sophie draw this picture all by herself. I didn't believe him but he swore it was all her. It might not be that cool but I think this is a pretty good picture for a 23 month old personally. She has since been drawing more and more faces.