Wednesday, September 9, 2009

goodbye summer!! woop woop!

... no its really not normal to be excited for summer to be over, but in my case it is. I finally will have a husband again. I say will because summer is not officially over. Spence has 1 more week and then life will slow down quite a bit. He has actually been managing the techs out in Winnipeg for the month of September so it has been kinda crappy doing it all on my own. My mom and dad have been in Utah too so it has been a little rough but I am just fine. I really cant complain. This company has the best thing for our family and the second I start to complain I have to think about where we were 3 and a half years ago before APX.
Anyway not too much exciting to share. My summer was fun. I loved living across the hall from the Wolseys. I have really missed our late night chats sitting by our front doors. It has been kinda rough on Sophie not seeing her best friend Grace too, but we will be back in lethbridge before you know it.
The girls are good. Sophie started ballet this week with Gracie and she cannot stop talking about it. She loved it so much and has wanted to wear her tutu everyday. Thank goodness we accidently on purpose forgot it in Lethbridge at Kimbers house. I will post pics of ballet soon.
Ella is still cute and fun. She is getting so big- she is 8 months and not crawling but is perfectly content just sitting.
Anyway thats my little update. I have not blogged because my parents have satellite internet and its not ultra fast so it takes a coons age to download pics.
Here are just a few pics from the many millions I have of this summer.


the fellers said...

I am so glad you posted!!! I cant believe how big Ella is getting! She looks totally different from your last post!

benandkristi said...

its about friggen time dude!!! yay for you coming back finally!! yay for ballet!!!! yah for summer being over!!! yay for life being good again!!! k, i loved this blog... loved the pics and love you! see ya tomorrow at ballet yo!

Cassie Bumcrot said...

Sophie looks so much bigger all of a sudden. Life looks fun!!

jenny said...

thanks for sharing your beautiful girls with me. . .so fun to see family pics too!! luv you guys lots Aunty Jenny

PeavoyMom said...

Wow Kels, you look great and your babies are growing up so fast. I've been out of the blogging loop for a while, so sorry I haven't commented! Your new camera is making you look like a professional, *jealous*!

Crystal HW said...

I bet you were glad to have a husband back. I do not know how you can do it! Rob is gone for the next couple days, I am already looking forward to when he gets Daddy's girl is driving me CRAZY!

The pics look GREAT!!