Wednesday, April 14, 2010

one last hoorah

We have made a lot of trips to Kalispell this year.. And I do mean ALOT. We have come at least once a month. That's one aspect of Spencer's job that I love--we get some serious family time 8 months out of the year.. not so much the other 4.
Anyway we took one last trip to Kalispell before Spence starts up his office. Boo hoo! Anyway I had too much fun shopping and Spence enjoyed having Jon this time to look at guns and do "boy stuff" with.
Ella was teething the whole time so that wasn't fun, but luckily I had a lot of people to take turns entertaining her.
ps. Kalispell is my heaven...


Kamry Low said...

jealous you've been to the states and shopping! sounds like you're having fun!

marisajbaines said...

i totally hate it when everyone leaves! im depressed all winter long it is so cold.. then it gets warm and there is no one to play with.. so sad.. but anywho.. have fun this summer!!! remember to keep posting so i know what you are up to

Kristyn said...

the duck pond is a very dangerous place. they attack and chase you for your bread. i think my girls were traumatized. hope you have a good summer.

Marilee said...

I love Kalispell too. I could live there!

Stephanie Walburger said...

haha. I love the first picture of kara and sophie! Their faces are priceless! Genuine fear, and you got it on camera! And this job is very nice 8 months of the year isn't it. We just have to remember that, it'll get us through the next 4. Wish you were coming to Victoria! have fun in Winnipeg!